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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sketching of Multiple Views of an Object

Within this lesson, Ms. Hamrani taught us how to sketch objects with three different techniques. The techniques included: Oblique Pictorial Sketching, Isometric Sketching, and Three Point Perspective Sketching.

Multiview/Orthograpic Sketches: Views of an object projected onto two or more orthographic planes.

Oblique: A type of sketch involving a combination of a flat, orthographic front with depth lines receding at a selected angle, usually 45 degrees

IsometricA form of pictorial sketch in which all three drawing axes form equal angles of 120 degrees with the plane of projection.

Perspective: The creation of a figure through vanishing points.

The following pictures show examples of all three.


Oblique Pictorials

One, Two and Three Point Perspective Sketches